Get Ready: The Hyperpersonalized Era of Direct-Mail Marketing Is Here

Get Ready: The Hyperpersonalized Era of Direct-Mail Marketing Is Here Everyone knows that the personal approach is best, whether you’re talking about interpersonal relationships or direct-mail appeals. But how good is “best” – and how personal is personal enough? We’ll get into detailed numbers in a bit, but let’s start here: According to the Data and Marketing...

Gen Z and Fundraising

Gen Z and Fundraising   Here’s a stat for you: Around 40% of Gen Z’ers buy used clothing. As my dad used to say, so what does that have to do with the price of eggs? This: Gen Z has a different relationship with stuff than older generations. Okay, but what does that have to...

Transactional Fundraising

Transactional Fundraising If you haven’t noticed, the way we pay for stuff has changed. Go into some establishments and they’re totally cashless. Go to others and they won’t take credit cards, because the fees are out of hand. Shop online and the list of payment options spills down the page. Non-profits somehow have to keep...

Ten Years of SWAG

Ten Years of SWAG   <<This blog post is authored by Dan Krueger. Before joining JHL, he worked in annual giving at Florida State University and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He has organized SWAG since its start. >> On Thursday, June 6, 2024, almost fifty annual giving professionals in higher education – and additional...

Effective Fundraising Appeals for Nonprofits: A Comprehensive Guide

Effective Fundraising Appeals for Nonprofits: A Comprehensive Guide Craving a Mission: Impossible moment? How about this? Your mission is to create effective fundraising appeals for your organization. If you fail, kids go hungry, blood goes uncollected and the homeless will remain so. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim. No pressure in...

AI and Direct Mail:  Part 2

AI and Direct Mail:  Part 2 Roughly a year ago we did a blog on AI and direct mail. Since AI is growing and changing faster than a Labrador puppy, it’s a good time to revisit the topic and identify more ways AI can help you create a winning direct-mail campaign. More choices When we...

Choosing The Right (Measurable) Outcomes for Direct-Mail Campaigns

Choosing The Right (Measurable) Outcomes for Direct-Mail Campaigns There’s some new research from the B2B marketing-research firm Ascend2 about the value of direct mail. The firm surveyed 441 marketing and sales decision-makers and found that 84% of respondents believe direct mail helps them improve their company’s image, while even more said that direct mail drives...

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Copyright by JHL Digital Direct. All rights reserved.