Direct mail and brand measurement

Direct mail and brand measurement In our last blog we looked at the various ways that direct mail can help build your brand. However, while brand-building is fantastic, it’s merely an idea unless you can measure your success – and know how much of it you can attribute to direct mail. If you’re considering direct mail...

Moving Away from the “Online Only” Giving Day

Moving Away from the “Online Only” Giving Day   Giving Days have become the current trend in giving campaigns for higher education – and non-profits in general. Giving Days are designed to be a fun and engaging means of fundraising. Oftentimes, there are specified projects, initiatives or funds these projects are centered around. There can...

5 Ways Direct Mail Can Transform Your Brand-Building

5 Ways Direct Mail Can Transform Your Brand-Building Direct mail as a brand-building tool? What can direct mail do that digital media can’t do a thousand times better and more efficiently? Everything, as it turns out. Consider this quote from a recent story on MediaPost: “Privacy strategies from Apple to Google to Facebook have caused...

The 13 Trends That Will Define Direct-Mail Marketing in 2021 (Part 2)

The 13 Trends That Will Define Direct-Mail Marketing in 2021 (Part 2) In our first installment, we looked at defining direct-mail trends for 2021 in the areas of data and technology, and examined the growing use of “triggered” mail. Specifically, we looked at the following: Triggers Improved customer identification More sophisticated variable data Increased use...

Microtargeting vs. Personalization

Microtargeting vs. Personalization Back in January 2021, JHL posted an article on our blog titled “5 Direct-Mail Success Strategies for 2021.” It was a great read to help get a jump on how to utilize trends in your upcoming direct mail plans, but there was one thing I didn’t understand: “microtargeting.” I’ve heard the term...

How To Use Direct Mail To Build Demand

A lot is made these days about retaining customers and engendering customer loyalty. Building customer loyalty and providing exceptional customer experiences is vital – but it’s not 100% foolproof. You will lose customers, either through changes in their preferences in behavior or through something you do. In addition, it’s hard to grow your business without attracting...

4 Direct Mail Pitfalls – And How to Avoid Them

In previous blogs we’ve talked about why you should add direct mail to your marketing mix – and by extension, to your marketing plan. Assuming you followed that advice, you’re thinking about how you can use direct mail, and may even be planning direct mail campaigns, good for you! Now, here are four pitfalls that...

5 Direct-Mail Success Strategies For 2021

Direct mail is expected to generate $31.2 billion in revenue in 2021, according to Ad Age, which puts it at the top of the local-media marketing mix. Given that, it’s time to implement these five marketing strategies to help make your direct-mail marketing more successful: Clean your mailing list Segment your mailing list Keep it...

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Copyright by JHL Digital Direct. All rights reserved.