JHL Digital Direct recently completed installation of two Kyocera TASKalpha 15000 inkjet printers.  The use of inkjet printing within the direct mail industry is steadily increasing as marketers embrace the advantages inkjet print technology offers.  The addition of the Kyocera TASKalpha inkjet printers will enable us to continue to meet our customers growing need for...

At the start of the summer, the city of Stevens Point started work to resurface the roads and improve water drainage in our business park. After working on the primary roadway, Coye Drive, work has begun on Borham Ave, which leads to our entrance. Because we are located on a corner of the road and...

USPS Rate Hike Goes Into Effect on August 29, 2021 On Aug. 29, 2021, the United States Postal Service will implement a significant rate hike, averaging 6.8% across all mail types.  The rate hike was announced by the USPS on May 28 and was approved by the Postal Regulatory Commission on July 19. Click here to...

USPS Proposes Increases to Postage Rates The United States Postal Services has proposed postage rate increases to the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) which would mainly affect Market Dominant products. (Market Dominant products includes First Class Mail, Marketing Mail, Periodicals Mail, and Packing Services Mail). On average, these rates would increase by 6.8% and would go...

Street Resurfacing to JHL A number of roads leading to JHL will be undergoing some much-needed resurfacing, as well as drainage improvements over the summer.  If you have driven here in the last year, you know how bad our road is getting. We are communicating with the local municipality to stay abreast of the project. ...

JHL Hires New Operations Manager Mary Gustin started as JHL’s Operations Manager in March.  Previously Mary was the facilities manager for the Verso Corporation Technical Center in Wisconsin Rapids.  She brings a wide range of business and managerial experience to JHL.  In her new role Mary will be responsible for the digital printing, mail production,...

JHL Expands Customer Service Team Amanda Middleton has joined the JHL Digital Direct team as a Customer Service Account Representative.  Amanda comes to JHL with ten years of experience in the direct mail industry and has extensive knowledge of printing, direct mail production, and postal regulations.  According to Jim Felhofer, JHL Sales Director, “We’ve been...

JHL Launches JHL Advance Based on the success JHL Digital Direct has had in working with University of Wisconsin schools we’ve created a new division of our company, JHL Advance. JHL Advance will focus on the advancement needs of colleges, universities and private schools. This includes direct mail solicitations, event invitations and stewardship outreach to...

Copyright by JHL Digital Direct. All rights reserved.

Copyright by JHL Digital Direct. All rights reserved.